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Dr. Partha Pratim Bishnu

Dr. Partha Pratim Bishnu

MBBS, M.S, M.Ch (Neurosurgery)


Definition: Neurosurgery is the surgical specialty that deals with the nervous system, including the brain and spinal cord. Surgery may be necessary due to a birth defect, traumatic injury, cancer or other reasons.

Dr. Partha Pratim Bishnu

Subspecialties include pediatric neurosurgery and oncology, specializing in brain tumors and other tumors of the nervous system.

Neurosurgery is the surgical discipline focused on treating those central, peripheral nervous system and spinal column diseases amenable to mechanical intervention. "Brain surgery" is commonly used, much like rocket science, to refer to a task requiring significant knowledge and skill.

The surgical specialty involved in the treatment of disorders of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. It provides surgical repair and treatment of nervous system disorders. Conditions treated include brain and spinal cord tumors, aneurysms (bulge at a weak point of an artery), bleeding inside the skull, some birth defects like hydrocephalus and spina befida, epilepsy and nerve damage due to injury.

Dr. Partha Pratim Bishnu

Modern neurosurgery has benefited greatly from advances in computer assisted imaging (computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emisson tomography (PET), magnetoencephalography (MEG)) and the development of stereotactic surgery. Some neurosurgical procedures even involve the use of MRI and functional MRI intraoperatively. As one of the most research-oriented specialties of medicine, the scope of neurosurgery has expanded as new diagnostic techniques allow surgeons to perform more complicated surgeries. Some of the most recent and innovative advances have been radiosurgery using the gamma knife for tumor treatment and endovascular surgery for the clipping of aneurysms.

Dr. Partha Pratim Bishnu

Neurosurgical conditions include primarily brain, spinal cord, vertebral column and peripheral nerve disorders.Conditions treated by neurosurgeons include:

Head trauma (brain hemorrhages

Spinal disc herniation

Spinal stenosis


Spinal cord trauma

Brain tumors

Tumours of the spine, spinal cord and peripheral nerves

Dr. Partha Pratim Bishnu

Cerebral aneurysms

Stroke, including hemorrhagic stroke and ischemic stroke

Intracerebral hemorrhage, intraparenchymal and intraventricular hemorrhages

Some forms of intractable epilepsy

Dr. Partha Pratim Bishnu

Traumatic injuries of peripheral nerves

Some forms of movement disorders (advanced Parkinson's disease, chorea) – this involves the use of specially developed minimally invasive stereotactic techniques (functional, stereotactic neurosurgery) such as ablative surgery and deep brain stimulation surgery

Intractable pain of cancer or trauma patients and cranial/peripheral nerve pain

Dr. Partha Pratim Bishnu

Some forms of intractable psychiatric disorders

Congenital Malformations of the nervous system

Cerebra; Revascularisation procedures

Vascular malformations (i.e., arteriovenous malformations, venous angiomas, cavernous angiomas, capillary telangectasias) of the brain and spinal cord

Dr. Partha Pratim Bishnu

Peripheral neuropathies such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and ulnar neuropathy

Moyamoya disease

Congenital malformations of the nervous system, including spina bifida and craniosynostosis